Monday, July 16, 2007

Surprise and Caution

Hi Folks. I landed in Charlotte, NC today after having left the wife some 3.5 hours earlier and she was feeling very good. And she had a good weekend. Then the surprise! Her appointment for her radiation treatment and every Monday appointment with the Dr. (following blood work) landed her right back in hospital (St. Paul) for more platelets. Also, white blood cell count is very very low. Moving I guess with caution, they are going to put her in isolation, to prevent her "catchin" something, or getting an infection. It is so strange, because she has felt the best she has since the surgery, during all these last 2 or 3 days. She insists that I stay with my commitment to this audit. I will be home Wednesday evening. I know that she is in good hands. First those of the Lord; Mom and Dad Ezzell, and all the family. I have instant communication with them and her if necessary for me to head back immediately. But I am assued, by the Doctor through Jeanine, there is no need for panic.

Keep us in your prayers please. I'll keep you posted.



Anonymous said...


It's Pat again. I know you probably won't be reading this but I am sure Bill will pass on my message to you! Stay safe and don't let any germs get near you. We are all pulling for you more and more with each day.....wish I could be there. But, they wouldn't let me near you since I am coughing and sneezing (Atlanta pollens and mold).

Love ya - Pat

Anonymous said...

I just returned from the kids' house and saw this update. Please let us all know as soon as Jean is home, or any new news.
Love and prayers - Marcy