Monday, July 30, 2007

Graduated and Praise the Lord!!

Are we happy or what! Today was her last day of radiation! They gave her the "mask", and presented her with a certificate of completion. She is feeling pretty good, but still gets tired. She (and I) both feel that she "hit the bottom" as far as getting sick, and is now slowly progressing and working back to whatever "normal" is. ((we don't know what the chemo resumption will cause, if anything)) When we arrived home today, the house was decorated as you see in the pictures. (Shelley was the pixie) Jean was so excited, thrilled, and thankful. Later Kara brought balloons over and helped me get this blog updated with the excitement. Jean never quits smiling, but today her smiles were of gratification. I baked her the cake myself!! (ta-dah)

Praise the Lord for the blessings he has bestowed upon us. Blessings which include the sincere loyalty of old friends, and the placement of new friends in our path. God Bless each and every one of you.

We are awaiting calls from the chemo doctor to see what the story is with that treatment. She has been off of the chemo for something like 5 weeks now. It has taken that long to get the platelet count back. She has had many many platelet infusions, as the count kept getting so dangerously low. She received an infusion last Friday, and as of today, the "count" had held and an acceptable level. Our prayers are that whatever the body-process is that creates platelets, is "kicking back in", and she will be able to "make her own".

I'll keep everyone posted with the results as they develop.

Again, God love and keep you all.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

1 More Radiation Treatment

Hello All,

Monday will be my last day for radiation! Very thankful and very hopeful that the rest of my platelets, WBC, etc. will go equally as well. The nurse for my chemo called today and asked that after I have my treatment on Monday that I go for more blood work. That's the part that is scarey to me. I am supposed to be on chemo pills for 5 days and then off for 23, but I've been off the chemo pills for over a month now and my platelets and WBC continue to go down. I gotta tell ya kids...that stuff has kicked the pants off of me. So, please keep those prayers coming. I need them, but there are so many others out there who need them just as bad.

Bill's oldest son, Chris, is in town and we have had the pleasure of having him stay with us. He arrived about 7:00 tonight, 7/28, so Bill went to pick him up and my sis came over to stay with me. We straightened up the house because I wanted the house to look a little more presentable. It's such a delight to have Chris here!

Quick updates on my parents. Dad went to doc and is now cancer free - That's what we've been wanting to hear!!! Praise God! Mom had crystal lenses put in both eyes and they were bothering her a little bit. One eye she can see out of great...the other is really fuzzy. We still have time for the drops to work on her and they told her she should be seeing fine by Monday. I know she'll do fine. Thanks for your prayers!

All of you - thanks for taking this journey with me. It's been a long and hard road, but we will see the end in sight soon. Let's just give God the glory. I am seeing so many folks who are in such worse shape than I am. What I have is nothing compared to their struggles.

Many blessings to you all,

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Back to the doc today

Hello All,

Guess what? I only have 2 more treatments after today! YAY! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!!

That's the radiation portion of my treatment. There's still about another year's worth of treatments (using chemo pills, etc.) to cure this disease. I'm sure it will include having to be transfused, but that's ok. As long as I am alive I can handle that!

Thanks for the many prayers being sent up to God for my parents. Mom has her procedure at noon today and Dad had his yesterday. All went well and we give God the glory. I miss those two when they aren't around to take care of me.

Gotta get ready for radiation treatment. Just think after this treatment - 2 more to go! Whoo hoo!


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tomorrow is Platelet Transfusion Day

Hello Friends and Family,

Today was another happy day! Didn't have to receive platelets, but will tomorrow. It's already been pre-arranged, so once I have my radiation treatment, I will go upstairs to the transfusion room and get those life-saving platelets! My doctors are really taking good care of me and I'm thankful to have them. YAY doctors!

I need to ask for your prayers for my parents. Tomorrow Dad will have another procedure to check for his cancer. And then, my Mom will have cateract surgery on Thursday. They are so precious to me and I want to be with them so badly, but I can't. So, if we can all lift them up to the Lord for a healing and then have them sent back to us whole, that would be the greatest gift of all to me. They have been with me through this journey and have been wonderful. It's nice that my family is here to help me.

Bill is out of town and will be back tomorrow night. Kara, my niece, is staying the night with me since I can't be left alone. Then my sis-in-law, Shelley, will be taking care of me tomorrow. She's going to take me to my appointments and trust me, she will make me behave! I'm just getting to have all kinds of slumber parties too! So, if any of you would like to volunteer to spend the night, then come on over! Just kidding. I really prefer my slumber parties with my family members at this time! Once I'm well, we can have slumber parties all night long!

It's exhausting to sit around and not do a lot of things. I can't work very long at all, and I can't stay focused on reading a book either. When my platelets were getting really low, I would come home from treatments and go right to bed for rest. Since I am healing, which is hard to believe with all the hospital stays, etc., I've been getting to come home! It's like WOW! What am I supposed to be doing right now?!!!

I thank all of you for your prayers. They have been working so greatly. My body is just not used to having the chemo pills which has caused it to turn my body upside down. But, I coming back and can't wait to be more myself. I will remain strong, so continue to pray for me.

Thank you God for giving me all of you!

Monday, July 23, 2007

..made it home without another hospital stay!

Jeans white blood cell count went up significantly; a GOOD thing! Platelets going down still. She claims to feel bunches better than yesterday, but when I spoke to her about 3pm, she was ready for a nap.
Notes in passing - she (nor Jan nor I) cared for the wig she had received, so she is going to exchange it for something more color-appropriate for her. Not too much to add for today, except that the white cell count going up is really really important. She had radiation today, blood draw, saw Dr. Ramsis(spel) and returns for radiation again tomorrow. There should be 6 remaining radiation treatments.

Love to all.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Another weekend - Plans for Monday

Good evening all. This weekend has been quiet, because of the "isolation" we have had to ensure. We didn't go anywhere to avoid exposure to any nasties that might give her grief. Jan did come over and stay with her Sunday morning so I could go to mass. Jan wore her little mask. Jeanine had a bit of an upset stomach all day long. We watched her closely, but no fever or anything bad like that. We did sit on the back porch for a bit, and she couldn't stand the weeds in her flower bed, and pulled some of those. It was pretty hot, so we didn't stay too long.

Tomorrow, she is supposed to resume the radiation treatments. (she only has 7 left) There will no doubt be blood work to see if the white blood cells have come back, and hopefully the body-machine that makes the platelets has kicked back in. There is always the possibility that she will have to go back to the hospital until those critical items are corrected. We should know more after tomorrows session. Including, when she will resume the chemo. I have to go to St. Paul, MN for 2 days; will return Wednesday evening. Again Mom and Dad Ezzell will stay with her constantly.

Love and prayers always.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

She's having a good Saturday. Being very cautious.

Howdy: (Us Navajos would say "Yah-ta'Hey")
Jeanine is having a pretty good Saturday. She slept in late, but her sleep was deep, sound, and undisturbed.
During the last post, I couldn't think of the word for her low white blood cell count. Here 'tis: neu·tro·pe·ni·a (nōō'trə-pē'nē-ə, nyōō'-) Pronunciation Key
n. An abnormal decrease in the number of neutrophils in the blood
Also, the shot that they gave her was "Pedfilgrastim". (Biologic response modifiers)
(Ok, that's way over my head)
Thanks for your prayers that this will work, and get her started back on the path of treatments. She only had 7 days of radiation remaining when this all started. We believe the radiation treatments will resume Monday, but we have no idea about the chemo.

Love to all


Friday, July 20, 2007

Home again but with many precautions!

Well Folks, Following another 4-day stay in the hospital, Jeanine is home again, but we are warned that precautions must absolutely be taken to prevent her from getting any possible kind of an infection, cold, flu, or anything like that! Regrettably we have had to post our doors with signs requesting "no physical contact at this time". When receiving any visitors, she will have to wear a mask. Anything that she comes in contact needs to be wiped down with a disinfectant first. It's a tough go for Jeanine, because you all know what a loving "hugger" she is! That ability will return after her platelets and the white blood cell count get back to where she has some immunity of her own. Everyone is so generous with flowers and food and all, be we have to ask that this be halted for now. She isn't even supposed to eat uncooked fruit and vegtables for risk that contaminates or chemicals many not be completely removed. We know that everyone will understand while we go through this not-uncommon delicate stage in her treatment. She received some kind of a major shot today that to aid in increasing the white blood count. Yesterday she received another infusion of platelets. We just need to be super careful for a while until her own body functions can protect her.

God Bless you each and every one; and she is going to beat this thing! Special prayerful thanks to Jan and Shelley for spending the long nights at her bedside in the hospital.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Lots of things low, but NOT her faith-fight-spirit!

Good evening all:
Jeanine remains in the hospital tonight, whey the get her low platelet count, low white cell count, and low blood pressure back where they should be.

I'm still in Harrisonburg, VA, and will be home tomorrow night. (can't wait)

Her phone in the hospital is 214-645-1311. (her cell battery is low,(no pun intended) and the charger is at home. Chances are that she will go home tomorrow, but don't want them to push it until those things are well controlled. She is also very susceptable to colds, flu, etc., so we have to use care around that. (low white count)

God Bless you all, and thanks much for your continued prayers.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Surprise and Caution

Hi Folks. I landed in Charlotte, NC today after having left the wife some 3.5 hours earlier and she was feeling very good. And she had a good weekend. Then the surprise! Her appointment for her radiation treatment and every Monday appointment with the Dr. (following blood work) landed her right back in hospital (St. Paul) for more platelets. Also, white blood cell count is very very low. Moving I guess with caution, they are going to put her in isolation, to prevent her "catchin" something, or getting an infection. It is so strange, because she has felt the best she has since the surgery, during all these last 2 or 3 days. She insists that I stay with my commitment to this audit. I will be home Wednesday evening. I know that she is in good hands. First those of the Lord; Mom and Dad Ezzell, and all the family. I have instant communication with them and her if necessary for me to head back immediately. But I am assued, by the Doctor through Jeanine, there is no need for panic.

Keep us in your prayers please. I'll keep you posted.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

She's having trouble with her personal blog sign-in

..... so here is the contents. (we'll ask Kara to fix it so she can go back in directly)

From Jeanine:
Hello Everyone!

Just had to let you know what a great brain day I've had today! It's great to be alive and thanks for your love and prayers! I don't know how long this will last, but golly does it feel good to feel good!

They changed my prescription today on the radiation and I am in the final 7 days of treatment. I don't know what is going to happen once my treatments are done because I'm not able to take the Temodar pills (chemo). That's what has caused me to have my platelet count problem. But I guarantee you one soon as I know you all will be the first ones to know!!!!

Keep checking my blog:

Love to you all,
Jean, Jeanine, Aunt Jean

Friday, July 13, 2007

She's having a GOOD Friday this 13th!!

Dear Friends and Family:
I took her for her radiation treatment today. (first that I have been able to do for a while, as have been traveling) - (Thanks God for Dad and Mom Ezzell). Gotta tell you that she is doing and feeling the best today that I have seen! She helped prepare supper, and ate well! She has done some work around the office, and in her words is "having a good brain day"! I fell asleep in my chair after supper, and woke with a start. She was not where she normally is! (she never stays where I put her) Quick tour of the house; couldn't find her. Noticed front door unlocked- lo-and-behold, she was out front trimming the flower basket. This might seem insignificant, but it is rare that she feels like going outside for anything, let alone do something like that.

Praise the Lord! Keep them good days a-com'in.

God Bless you all and have a safe weekend.


Jeanine is having a great brain day!

Hello Friends,

Wow - what a difference platelets have made in my gal. It's been an amazing change since her platelet level was boosted from 29 to 133! God is good and we are rejoicing in him by the minute! Rejoice with us - we all give God the glory!

We went to the radiation treatment today and then to lunch. She wasn't tired, but she seemed a little weary at first. I know this is taking a toll on her, me, the families and friends. It's like God performed a little miracle this afternoon. She went from being a little weary to being able to complete a whole file of work this afternoon and she didn't miss a beat! Whoo hoo! She found files that I couldn't find and hasn't slept at all today (which is usually what happens when she returns from radiation). These may seem like little strides to you, but trust me, they are big steps towards a healthy recovery!

Her right eye is almost back to normal from the allergic reaction the other night at Baylor Medical Center. That reaction caused her eye to swell shut within 30 seconds! It was an amazing thing, but here again, we give God the glory for giving the doctors the knowledge to know how to handle these types of situations!

Keep us in your prayers because they are working for the better! Thanks again and hope to give you just as great a report on Monday! She will have another platelet count done and we're praying that she will be producing her own platelets on her own.

Maw Squaw and Dad, thank you for taking care of my precious wife, your precious daughter. She loves you so much and I do too! Without your help, I wouldn't be able to continue working.

Have a great weekend and we'll be baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccckkkkkkk!
In God's love,

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Need more prayers, please and thank you!

Hello Friends,

Thanks for your continued prayers and thoughts of Jeanine. We seem to require so many of them these days and ask for more, if you don't mind. We're having lots of problems with her platelets dropping to a dangerous level and they have to keep giving her platelet transfusions. Tonight was her 3rd one and her poor arms are looking like a "pin cushion"! Just kidding...they're looking more like a "target board"! She does have lots of bruises from being poked on so much. But, being the trooper that she is, she never complains. She does what each of her doctors tell her to do and she does it with a song in her heart. I have to admit, I do miss hearing her sing because she sings all the time. When I do hear her sing, it tells me that she's at least feeling a little better! I can't wait until the day I have my girl back!

Keep us both in your thoughts and prayers. She'll be back for all of us to enjoy again. Also, say a prayer for the Lady Byrd Johnson family. She was a great lady and we're happy that she has passed on to such a grander life!

Many blessings, Bill

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Very tired on the weekends

.. and this weekend is no exception to that. She remains off of the temadar, but daily radiation treatments seem to get her down by Saturday. She needs lots of rest. She says she is "okay" today, and rather than have to get dressed and all to go to church today, she is watching the religious programs that she likes on tv. (Lots and lots of music which she loves)

I'm going out of town again Monday, and the folks (Dad and Ma Squaw Ezzell) will sit again. I am so very thankful for them. They are gracious and never complain. I will return Wednesday evening late.

Thanks for all the love and prayers.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Another bag of platelets

It's Friday 7/6/07 approximately 4:15pm. Jeanine has just returned with her brother and sister-in-law (Don and Shelley) from another treatment of radiation, followed by another bag of platelets. She is to remain off the temador until the platelet thing is resolved completely. With the platelet infusion, they gave her a benadryl and a couple of tylenol. That zonked her completely. When they got home, she could hardly keep her eyes open, so we plunked her into her bed, where she will remain until she wakes up naturally. When she needs to sleep, she "needs" to sleep.
So long for now. More later. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

She's B--a--a--a--aa-aa-aa-aaa--k!

Hi Folks -
The transfusion of platelets worked, and uncreased the count to a level that allowed her to be released and returned home at 3:00pm today. She will remain off of the Temador until her Chemo Doctor indicates she should resume it. Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts, and hope each of you have a safe and fun 4Th.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A non-emergency return to hospital today

Hello Folks:
Yesterday, Jeanine noticed small red pinpoint spots on her legs and stomach. At her regular radiation treatment today, she showed the radiation Doctor. He sent her immediately to the Chemo doctor, Dr. Maher. The did blood work, and discovered that her platelet count was way too low. This of course due to the chemo pills. (Thank God they watch this closely) They sent her straight way to St. Paul hospital, where she began receiving platelet transfusions this evening. The numbers don't mean much to me, but when she started the chemo, her number was "350". The once previous test showed it had lowered to "175", and today it was "26". They tell us once the numbers reach "50" again, she can return home. They have temporarily suspended her from taking the Temador; but that will resume when the platelet count returns to an acceptable level. She feels fine. The radiation is really taking a toll on her hair now however. We are ordering her a cute little wig to wear until this thing is over, and her natural hair returns.

Continued thoughts and prayers are appreciated, and we hope you have a fun and safe 4th.

Love you all./


Sunday, July 1, 2007

Jeanine feeling fatigued, but tarrying on

Hello Everyone,

Wanted to give you yet another update on Jeanine. She is doing ok, but does feel a lot of nausea and is taking her anti-nausea pills. And, unfortunately, she is losing her hair (and there is hair everywhere)!

Her routine is this: Monday - radiation and doc visit, Tuesday - radiation and nurse visit, Wednesday - radiation and have blood checked, Thursday - radiation and x-rays and Friday is just radiation!

All of her doctors seem to be pleased with what has been transpiring. Jeanine is really fatigued and does require an extra nap here and there! She works when she can, but when her body tells her to stop, then she listens to it and stops!

We both went to church this morning and she appeared to have been doing great, however, when she got home she took an anti-nausea pill and took a nap. This silly thunder woke her up and now we're going to the movies.

Thank you all for your prayers. They are working in miraculous ways!

Many blessings,