Monday, July 23, 2007

..made it home without another hospital stay!

Jeans white blood cell count went up significantly; a GOOD thing! Platelets going down still. She claims to feel bunches better than yesterday, but when I spoke to her about 3pm, she was ready for a nap.
Notes in passing - she (nor Jan nor I) cared for the wig she had received, so she is going to exchange it for something more color-appropriate for her. Not too much to add for today, except that the white cell count going up is really really important. She had radiation today, blood draw, saw Dr. Ramsis(spel) and returns for radiation again tomorrow. There should be 6 remaining radiation treatments.

Love to all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Bill. I love hearing good news. I'm sure Jean was really glad to be going home; we're all thankful.
Looking forward to the next update.