Friday, July 6, 2007

Another bag of platelets

It's Friday 7/6/07 approximately 4:15pm. Jeanine has just returned with her brother and sister-in-law (Don and Shelley) from another treatment of radiation, followed by another bag of platelets. She is to remain off the temador until the platelet thing is resolved completely. With the platelet infusion, they gave her a benadryl and a couple of tylenol. That zonked her completely. When they got home, she could hardly keep her eyes open, so we plunked her into her bed, where she will remain until she wakes up naturally. When she needs to sleep, she "needs" to sleep.
So long for now. More later. Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Bill - are they still able to continue radiation?

Anonymous said...

Hi Marcy,
No, they are still doing the radiation on her and she is losing all of the hair where the radiation is zapping her. Of course, we all know that it will come back. I am surprising her by letting her order a wig and she's most anxious to receive it! She did have to have blood work done on Monday for platelet count and it was at 74. So the numbers are coming up and she still won't continue the Temodar (chemo pill)until after the radiation treatments are over with. Thanks so much for your love and prayers for Jean. She loves you just as much. Love, Bill