Monday, August 27, 2007

A Good Weekend!

Jeanine had a good weekend. Didn't seem to get overly-tired, and enjoyed several things we did. We went to 11:00am Mass, followed by picking up Jan and going to lunch. Jean really looked nice in her outfit. Said she felt "special" too. This morning, she and Jan are going to (in her words, not mine) "go get our claws done!" This partially in preparation for our trip tomorrow to Las Vegas. This is her first trip-of-any-substantial-distance, and her first time to fly since the seizure of May 2. It's a business trip for me and we are staying in a hotel off of the strip. She hasn't booked anything firm as far as tours or whatever; she is going to stay loose, and take it as she feels like it. We are going to stay an extra day after I finish the audit. We know she can't even take the Texas heat very well, so I'm sure she won't be spending much "time in the sun".
More later, and hope everyone has a good week. God Bless each and every one.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Concerns relieved!

Howdy. I spoke with Dr. Mickey's office today (Sue) and was assured that the swelling is in fact in the full range of normal. In fact, I may never completely seal. The fluids leak back and forth from the scull cavity. Any dizziness would not be associated with the fluid accumulation. I feel much relieved after I finally got a straight answer out of someone that this really and truly is within a "normal". Just hearing "that's normal" all the time is not enough explanation for me, and I might have ticked off a couple of medical folks earlier today about "communication". Hopefully that is resolved now, and Jeanine will see Dr. Maher (Chemo) and Dr. Mickey (Surgeon) both on September 5th. Like I say, I feel much relieved now that I have had a lay person communication with the medical professionals.
The Lord moves in mysterious ways.
God bless you all and I will keep posted.


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Ok Friday, but kind of a rough Saturday.

Hi Folks.
Jeanine experienced a couple of "little dizzy spells" on Saturday, and Saturday Night. She slept well enough throughout the night last night, but "felt funny" in a lack of distinct direction whether she was sleepy or not!? About midnight we went to bed, and she seemed to sleep well all night. The swelling in her head did not go down completely yesterday, as it usually does. Those two concerns (dizzy and swelling) are causing us to contact the Doctor tomorrow (Monday) morning, just to make sure all is well. Jan came over to spend the evening, and she remained here all night, to stay with Jean while I go to 7:30am Mass on Sunday. We don't want to wait until September 5th, if she isn't showing continual signs of getting better. We don't want any "back sliding". Please keep her in your special prayers. She is confident that everything is going to be ok. She continues to exude her same positive self, over and over.
I'll keep you informed of any changes.
God Bless you all.

Friday, August 17, 2007

It's been a few days!!

I don't mean to be remiss in posting to her blog, but we have been very very busy. I was quite far behind in a bunch of work at the home office, and she has been feeling well enough to be very helpful to me trying to get caught up again; and we are getting closer. She is feeling pretty darn good. Still has her moments, and some hours and days in fact that she isn't "up-to-snuff", but all and all we are pleased for now. We anxiously await the Dr. appointment on September 5, which will be another MRI and address the possible resumption of the chemo. Keep her in your prayers please, that this terrible thing is in remission. She doesn't have to have 100% babysitting anymore, and she is relieved at and enjoying that. Still no driving. Dr. has said that she can fly, and I have a business trip to Las Vegas the 28th of this month, and using her frequent-flyer miles, she is going with me. We are looking forward to it. We were married in Las Vegas some 31 years ago. She has been there several times with the various companies, but I haven't been there since before the Luxor was finished. They were still building it. (Of course I was there in the 60's when McCarren airport was "waaaaaaaaay" out of town.
For now, that's it. Will post again as soon as have some interesting or informative details.
God Bless you all .


Friday, August 10, 2007

What happened?!

Howdy Family and Friends,
I posted a long blog yesterday, corrected it (I think I deleted it) and now it's not here! Oh well. This technology is something else!
My next doc appt. is Sept. 5th at 9:30 a.m. I'll be going for an MRI, bloodwork and then to see the doc herself. We will make plans for the next year as to what will happen. Our original plan was to take the chemo pills (I can't take as they messed up my body) for 5 days in a row and then be off for 23 days. They say that I will probably be on some other type of chemo pill and I am anxious to see what will be taking place.
Please pray for my hubby. He is absolutely saturated with poison ivy. He has been a bit grumpy these last couple of days and I know it's because of it being so hot and he has these big blotches all over him. I would be grumpy too! He did go back to the doc today and was given more steroid pills, a different type of ointment and a lotion.
That's it for now. I'm having a pretty good brain day, so have been working at it pretty hard. While Bill was at the doc's office I got a lot of things accomplished. We're still playing catch-up from me having my brain problems. Lots to do, and getting it done! We have wonderful clients who do understand the situation! Thank you.
You're in our prayers and we thank you for your prayers too. It's so nice to be loved, wanted, needed and appreciated. Love, Jeanine and Bill

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Greetings earthlings!

Hello Family and Friends,
Wanted to give you a quick update on myself and hubby. I'm doing great, but still not 100% and won't be for a while. Even though I look good, my mind isn't totally there and I get confused very easily. I want to do so many things (like drive), but the docs say "NO", so I have to listen to them. They did tell me that I could go to Las Vegas with hubby and that I can now be left alone. That is such great news because that's the one thing that was really difficult for me. I love having my parents here to take care of me in the evenings and they can still spend the night if they want to. I will still sleep with you Mommy!!!! I just hated having to be baby sat everytime Bill went to the store or to visit a client or was out of town. If I couldn't ride with him, then someone had to come watch me or Bill would take me to their house. Our FREEDOM is such a wonderful thing and I pray that I never have to give that up again.
Bill is suffering terribly from poison ivy, so can you please include him in your prayers? Thank you so much. He's such a sweetheart and is handling it as well as can be expected, but I have no idea how he cannot scratch the heck out of his body. We're doing everything we know to do and the pharmasist told us we just have to wait and time will heal it. Did we ever tell you that TIME is not either of our virtues?!
After the blood work that was done on Tuesday, the nurse scheduled my next appt. for 9/5/07 at 9:30 a.m. I will go for an MRI, then for the blood work and then at 11:00 will see Dr. Maher and her nurse Lisa. We will then decide what the next steps are. The 5 days of chemo pills and the 23 days off is what we have planned for a year. I don't know that it will work, but I will certainly give it a try. That was our original plan until the chemo pills started messing my with body! I'll let you know what's decided.
Going to go get a passport photo taken. My hubby may be taking me to places that I've never been to! Wouldn't that be great?!
Y'all, thanks for your prayers, your gifts, your food, your love. I am so truly blessed to have all of you in my life. Thank you again.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

"Holding" at the moment!

With the radiation treatments completed, and awaiting September 5 Chemo Dr. Appointment we are just going along each day. She seems to be showing good signs of not being so tired so often. Still, when it's time to lay down and rest; "it's time to lay down and rest". She is eating better, and more things appeal to her taste buds. (She still won't try my tuna-fish-ice-cream-topping!) She didn't care for the wig she ordered, so she is exchanging that. Judith and Bruce invited us over for dinner Tuesday evening, and they tried on wigs. Judith is lending her a couple, and one of them looks really cute. Jean likes it too. After we returned from her blood work today, (platelets came in at 195 HOORAY) we drove over to my barber friend, and we both got a haircut. Ken has been in our shoes before, and he cut her hair just right. Following that, he peeled me too. Jean looks much more comfortable without that longer hair on the back of her head, and she feels comfortable too, and not nearly as self-conscious of her hair. Unfortunately we have a funeral mass to attend tonight (a good friend of ours from the Re-membering Group), and after that and a brief trip to the reception, we are going to see Mike and Deb near the end of a CATS game tonight. (Hopefully it will cool a bit, as she just cannot take the excessive heat. Or cold for that matter. Things have to be just about right for her to be very comfortable.) (The CATS games are an established tradition with us and Mike and Debbie. And of course Bubba.) She was napping this afternoon, so hopefully she will be able to enjoy an active evening.
God bless and keep you all.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

..a pretty darn good weekend.

Hi All. Jeanine and Shelley went garage-saleing early Saturday. She was good for about two or three hours. After a late breakfast, she was ready to nap, and did. This morning, (Sunday) she got up early again and went to 7:30 mass with me. We did some "greeting" work at the doors as it was our Remembering groups turn. We both enjoyed that. After that we went to breakfast, a stint to Sam's club where we met Rocky and Judy for a while. Back home and rested for the evening. Tomorrow she is to call her chemo Doctor, and hopefully get some direction on the continuation of the treatment. We anxiously await the results of that advise.
God Bless you all and we hope you have a wonderful week.
Bill and Jeanine

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Our Friend Cindy Boland

I should have posted this picture long ago, because it was shortly after Jeanine returned from surgery. Cindy made this beautiful stained-glass angel for Jeanine. It now hangs in a prominent place in front of the window in our living room. Cindy is an angel-on-earth herself, and we just love her.

Friday, August 3, 2007

..if it isn't one darn thing after another!

Hi Folks. Well, a couple of days ago, I noticed what appeared to be fire-ant bites on my right arm. Nothing serious, as I have had many before. Wash well, a little cortisone cream, and all is well. Not this time! This morning, the rash began to expand. Rapidly! Both sides of my arm, the back of my hand, and the inside of my elbow now, on the left arm. Some of the rash, became "sores", and began to "weep". NOT WHAT I NEED AROUND JEANINE!. I made registered on-line with "Care Now" in Grapevine, an was called in about 3:30. "Poison Ivy" everywhere, and spreading fast! They gave me a shot (steroids), and prescribed Benadryl and some Rx creme. Couple of hours later, and the itching is subsiding, and the "weeping" is stopped. Am keeping the creme applied. Dr. said that it's not all that contagious, but under the circumstances with Jeanine, I must keep my hands clean, and "sanitize" before touching her.
We washed all the bedding, just as a precaution. She just don't need nuth'in like that right now.
We think that her platelets are holding up. We watch closely for signs like extra fatigue, little red spots on her legs and stomach etc. She does have some swelling at her nose bridge on her right eye, and we are keeping an eye on that. No pain however. She has had some pretty good energy the last couple of days, but when it comes time to rest "it is time to rest!". The Lord is on our side, and this last episode with me just keeps us sharp.

Blessings to all.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

It's HUMP Day!

And I haven't had to go to the doc since Monday. It has been SUPER nice to be able to stay at home and get some things done around the house. I am trying to help Bill with his business, but it still gets confusing when I try to accomplish more than one task at a time. I did make lunch for us, beef stroganoff, and it was delicious! I find that I have to eat what sounds good to me at the time or I just can't eat. You'd think I'd lose weight, but I haven't because all of those good sounding things come to me right before going to bed. I'm not fat - but I am fluffy!!!!

I'm a great aunt again! Whoo hoo! My niece, Melissa Jean (named after me), had a little boy last night. His name is Caiden Jack Throckmorton and I don't recall all the birth details. We're going to call him "Jack" after my Dad. My twin sis, Jan, is the Grandma and we're rejoicing in the celebration of life. Please do offer prayers up for my niece and Caiden. Everyone needs prayers and they do too! Thank you.

Corrected update on my Mom's eye. She only had the left eye operated on for the crystal lens. See how I screwed that update up? The other will eye will be operated on near the end of September/beginning of October. My youngest sister, Sandy, is flying my parents out to Indiana so they can celebrate my niece's twin daughters 1st birthday. We're so excited about having them. They are so precious and two totally different girls. What a joy!

Well folks, trying to decide what I want for dinner. Nothing sounds good but I know I have to eat. Maybe I'm just not hungry enough yet!?!

Enjoy your evening and keep Bill and I in your prayers. We seem to have a need to get to know one another again since our lives have been so interrupted!

Blessings and love,

p.s. Spring Creek BBQ sounds pretty darned good! YUMMERS!