Saturday, July 21, 2007

She's having a good Saturday. Being very cautious.

Howdy: (Us Navajos would say "Yah-ta'Hey")
Jeanine is having a pretty good Saturday. She slept in late, but her sleep was deep, sound, and undisturbed.
During the last post, I couldn't think of the word for her low white blood cell count. Here 'tis: neu·tro·pe·ni·a (nōō'trə-pē'nē-ə, nyōō'-) Pronunciation Key
n. An abnormal decrease in the number of neutrophils in the blood
Also, the shot that they gave her was "Pedfilgrastim". (Biologic response modifiers)
(Ok, that's way over my head)
Thanks for your prayers that this will work, and get her started back on the path of treatments. She only had 7 days of radiation remaining when this all started. We believe the radiation treatments will resume Monday, but we have no idea about the chemo.

Love to all



Anonymous said...

Jeanie Beanie-aka-The Lone Ranger

I love you so much and pray your weekend is peaceful and full of rest. You know I am here if anything is needed.

Shelley Belly-aka- Tonto

Anonymous said...

You go girl! I've got you in my prayers and so have several co-workers. We'll see your old self soon!

Luv ya!