Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Report following pathology findings

Hello All:

Well, the news is not all good, and not all bad. The pathology findings direct that the tumor is malignant, and Jeanine will be needing followup radiation and chemo treatments. She is being referred to two Doctors that work closely with Dr. Mickey at Southwest Medical Center. One is a professional in radiation, and the other in the chemo treatments. She will need daily radiation treatments for about 6 weeks. The chemo will not require a "port". It will be administered orally, and may or may not partially be in conjunction with the radiation treatments. We expect to hear from the doctors next week, and the assumption is that she will begin the daily treatments in about 2 weeks.

Jeanine is in great spirits and feels good. We are all optimistic that the treatments will be effective, resulting in a full recovery, and a long and normal life. (so far the worst pain she has suffered was when the Dr. removed all those stitches today) Dr. Mickey did not downplay or sugar-coat the seriousness of this cancer, and compared the results rate somewhat to that of breast cancer.

It goes without saying that all the prayers have brought us this far, and God will continue to direct us. Please continue to include Jeanine in your prayers
because we can attest that prayers work!

A sincere thank you from myself and all the family for all your concern, thoughts and prayers. We will add to this blog as we go along and try to keep everyone updated.

Bill Nichols


Anonymous said...

We will be praying for Aunt Jean daily! Thank you for the update.
friends of Karas,
Erick & Amy Farish

elizabeth cook said...

My Dear Friends,

Prayers will continue daily. I was at lunch with a friend today and we lifted Jeanine up in our prayers. God give you both strength, courage and surround you with his love on this leg of the journey. It sounds like he has already provided you with excellent medical support.

You are loved,
Betty Cook

Anonymous said...

You two are an inspiration. My prayers are with you for the coming treatments.

Anonymous said...

Jeanine & Bill, my daughter Jamie (also a patient of Dr. Mickey's)and I are holding you both in our thoughts. My admiration for your strength and courage knows no bounds.


Anonymous said...

My prayers for the two of you and your doctors continue. God brought you through one bout of cancer and He'll bring you through this one.


Anonymous said...

Not the news I wanted to hear. But they do miraculous things these days with the treatments....I am so glad that this blog is available to all of us so that we can check in with you and keep up to date without being too intrusive. Hard to know what to do, what's too much, and when to do it.....

We all love you and are pulling for you. You are in our thoughts and prayers!

Love - Pat

Anonymous said...

Will be thinking of you guys daily, and bringing you before the Lord. I pray that God brings you comfort and hope during this process; He's the one in control.