Thursday, August 9, 2007

Greetings earthlings!

Hello Family and Friends,
Wanted to give you a quick update on myself and hubby. I'm doing great, but still not 100% and won't be for a while. Even though I look good, my mind isn't totally there and I get confused very easily. I want to do so many things (like drive), but the docs say "NO", so I have to listen to them. They did tell me that I could go to Las Vegas with hubby and that I can now be left alone. That is such great news because that's the one thing that was really difficult for me. I love having my parents here to take care of me in the evenings and they can still spend the night if they want to. I will still sleep with you Mommy!!!! I just hated having to be baby sat everytime Bill went to the store or to visit a client or was out of town. If I couldn't ride with him, then someone had to come watch me or Bill would take me to their house. Our FREEDOM is such a wonderful thing and I pray that I never have to give that up again.
Bill is suffering terribly from poison ivy, so can you please include him in your prayers? Thank you so much. He's such a sweetheart and is handling it as well as can be expected, but I have no idea how he cannot scratch the heck out of his body. We're doing everything we know to do and the pharmasist told us we just have to wait and time will heal it. Did we ever tell you that TIME is not either of our virtues?!
After the blood work that was done on Tuesday, the nurse scheduled my next appt. for 9/5/07 at 9:30 a.m. I will go for an MRI, then for the blood work and then at 11:00 will see Dr. Maher and her nurse Lisa. We will then decide what the next steps are. The 5 days of chemo pills and the 23 days off is what we have planned for a year. I don't know that it will work, but I will certainly give it a try. That was our original plan until the chemo pills started messing my with body! I'll let you know what's decided.
Going to go get a passport photo taken. My hubby may be taking me to places that I've never been to! Wouldn't that be great?!
Y'all, thanks for your prayers, your gifts, your food, your love. I am so truly blessed to have all of you in my life. Thank you again.

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