Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday Afternoon

She seems to get some of her best sleep in the mornings until about 9am or so. (That is also the scheduled time each morning for her anti-seizure medication) She had a good Saturday, but we pre-arranged to have Jan come over and stay with her this morning while I went to 7:30 mass. (My Sunday again as one of the extraordinary-ministers for the Eucharist.) When she rises in the mornings, the area of the surgery is still quite swollen. As she gets more active each day, the swelling will go down considerably. Sleeping in the recliner has not proven to be significant in preventing the swelling.
My Mother used to say "if it doesn't taste bad, the medicine isn't working". I can tell in Jeanine's case, "the medicine is working". She is doing very very well, but even though she isn't sick to her stomach, hurting, or anything; it is evident that she must listen when her body tells her to "sit down and take it easy".
A Blessed Sunday to all, and more will follow.

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