Thursday, June 7, 2007

First Evening and Day of Treatment Completed

Howdy all!
Last night, Jeanine took her first dose of oral chemo. That was preceded 30 minutes, with a little pill to keep her from getting nauseous. She slept well all night in the recliner. (Which is now in the bedroom so she is more elevated during her sleep period to help prevent swelling) She still had some swelling this morning, but was rested and "ready to get up". Not sick or anything adverse. At noon we took her to Southwestern Medical Center for her first radiation appointment. (The "mask", and "body liner" were made last week, and were ready for this appointment.) We were there a total of about 30 minutes; about 20 minutes of which included getting her set, and the treatment itself. No pain, burning or anything so far. Said she opened her eyes once and saw a blue light, but that was it. No problem breathing or anything with the mask. We go again tomorrow, which will conclude the radiation treatment for this week. She will take the chemo each night however.

All prayers being answered so far, and thank you for including her in yours. More follows as anything develops.

God Bless You All.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update; I've been praying for Jean off and on all day. Please keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Jean, I am a friend to both Sandy and Jan from St. Joseph. I know we have met before when you were here visiting. Just wanted you to know that I have been praying for you and following the updates on your blog.
Our God is an awesome God! and know that He is with you every step of the way to your recovery.

Phyllis Estes