Monday, June 25, 2007

Feeling the continued and greater effects of treatment

Hello faithful friends:
Jeanine felt pretty rough during this last weekend. Especially Sunday. I don't know for sure the collation, but it seems that after each weekend, the previous weeks treatments maybe "accumulate". Then, on the weekends it is time to just rest! She slept most of the day yesterday. Jan came over while I went to 7:30am Mass; and she stayed around most of the day while I did some much-needed yard work.
Last week, our dear friend Janet visited from South San Francisco. She was here all week, watching over, and taking care of her while I was in Sacramento. I have to go to Milwaukee tomorrow, but Mom and Dad Ezzell will return to take care of her until I return Thursday night. We are so blessed to have them, and so many of you friends that care about us.
I have suggested that Jeanine update this blog herself in the next couple of days, and that would give you a better perspective of exactly how she feels from her point of view.
Love you all and thank God for each and every one of you.


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