Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sir Knight Nichols

Hello Family and Friends,

Sir Knight Nichols (Bill) was knighted last night, 9/8/07. It was a lovely day and I wanted to attend everything there was because it was such a special day for him. He was the most handsome guy there! I'm not prejudice, huh?! Pictures will be added just as soon as I can get Kara to upload them. He really was handsome and I love him so! Our agenda started with registration, mass, luncheon, knighthood (which the women didn't get to attend), followed by photos of the knighting and then the banquet! It was awesome and my Sir Knight was so thrilled. He's always wanted this and his dreams have come true! He will have a red cape with a white feathery cap. It has a name, but I don't recall what it is. He has a sash and a sword. Very sharp looking men.

I'm doing great, but was a little too tired to go to church this morning. Bill should be home shortly and we'll have lunch and then a nap?!!!

Hope you all are doing well. I will update the blog later tonight with photos!

Love and prayers to each of you,

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